Small Beginnings
In the late-70s a number of families in Wilmot Township commenced meeting in their homes. They were encouraged and supported by believers from other cities. The Wilmot believers also sought out fellowship by travelling to other localities, on Lord’s Day, for mutual encouragement and blending. In 1988, the Wilmot saints commenced holding the Lord’s Table, meeting at the Kitchener YWCA. Since 2000, they began meeting in the K-W (Kitchener-Waterloo) Bilingual School for the Lord’s Day morning meetings and for their mid-week prayer meeting. Later, in 2007, the church started meeting on Lord’s Day in Country Hills Community Centre.
All through this time, these saints sought a property on which to build a meeting place. Finally, in 2016, the church acquired a property at 2222 Snyder’s Road East in Wilmot Township, just outside the Kitchener line. Currently, they meet in Units 4 and 5 of the building on this property.
Every Lord’s Day, a joint Table meeting is held in the morning followed, after a short break, by a time of fellowship and the ministry of the Word, All of the members are encouraged to speak for and speak God to each other, i.e., to prophesy according to 1Cor.14:26, 29-32. Throughout the week the saints gather for various meetings, often in homes, in Kitchener, Waterloo, and Wilmot.
The church's labour includes work with the children, the young people and the college students. It has regular Lord’s Day children’s meetings, a bi-weekly sixth-grade class to prepare that age group for the annual children’s gospel conference, and for all the children a summer Bible Camp is held.
The young people are cared for in daily half hours Zoom meetings, in a Saturday evening meeting, a Lord’s Day morning meeting, participation in fall and spring conferences and attendance at a week-long summer retreat for the pursuit of Truth.
The college work is focused on the University of Waterloo and includes on-campus Bible studies, small groups, one-on-one meetings with gospel contacts and other Christians, participation in two annual retreats and outreach on the part of local families who open their homes to “adopt” one to three students whom they shepherd on a regular basis.
The church has been blessed us with the addition of saints from around Ontario and other parts of Canada, who moved to the area for school or work. A number of mainland Chinese believers have also been added either through the gospel or migration. We have also seen the addition of new believers, who are loving and pursuing the Lord.